Meeting Notes
Meeting Date: January 9, 1996
MEETING FEATURE: The Top 10 ACT! 2.0 Tips,
Shortcuts, and Secrets
So you’ve resolved to use ACT! to help you become more
efficient at your job, right?? It IS a New Year... Here are some
helpful tips and shortcuts that will make your life just a little
simpler and make you feel just like an ACT! "power user":
To quickly schedule a call for a particular contact
onto your calendar, click on any one the three calendar icons
then DOUBLE click on a blank calendar spot. Next, click "OK".
A call will be scheduled for the record you are
To log the name of a letter you are writing to a
contact into that contact’s History, perform the FILE SAVE
command before printing the letter.
Use the F9 key to quickly open and close
To "speed tag" a list of contacts, view the list by
pressing the F8 key. Use the arrow keys in conjunction with
the space bar to tag and untag contacts.
When inserting new contacts with group affiliations,
first open the group to which the contact will belong. Any
new contacts subsequently added will now be included in that
group - automatically.
To quickly jump to a contact, use the PHONE, QUICK
LIST command to quickly look up key contacts. (To make use of
this shortcut, you’ll first have to add your key contacts to
your "quick list". Build a quick list by using the command
the contact's name, immediately hit the space bar (or enter
key) and then the ESC key to avoid placing a call. You can
automate the look up procedure by writing a macro and
assigning an icon to it.
To do a "LOOKUP OTHER" search 25% faster, use the
Fast Query macro available from E Tech Systems. (E Tech can
be reached at (847) 352-4770.) Fast Query will be most
beneficial to those using large databases or using older,
slower PCs.
Keyword searches can now be limited to notes,
history, etc. Plus, they only search the active group. This
can make keyword searches much quicker. Windows users will
need to have version 2.0.6 to enjoy this
Use "CTRL-F5" to insert a "null" or blank field in
conjunction with the LOOKUP, OTHER and EDIT CURRENT LOOKUP
commands. In this way, you can search for blank fields or
clear a specific field for all contacts.
To save time when entering contacts, set the State
field default to your own state. Also set its field attribute
to uppercase. This way, all state abbreviations will be typed
in capital letters. Similarly, if you are entering a lot of
contacts from a given city, certain company, or with the same
area code, edit the default record accordingly. (Use the
command EDIT, FIELD DEFAULTS. Type the appropriate
information in the appropriate fields.)
This month, we discussed ACT!’s word processor, re-indexing,
and printing labels.
One user noticed that when typing a letter with ACT!’s word
processor, some characters on the right hand side of the screen were
cut off. This is a known bug. Rest assured that the characters are
really there. Letters will print out just fine.
Your ACT! database requires periodic maintenance called
re-indexing. ACT!’s internal index is similar to a table of contents
for your contacts. Normal day-to-day operations as well as system
"lock-ups" (and subsequent re-booting) create inconsistencies in the
database’s index. Re-indexing repairs these sorts of errors. It is
best to re-index periodically (say every couple of weeks) as well as
before and after a merge.
Perhaps you’ve been collecting partially used pages of
address labels - maybe saving them for a rainy day. Well, here’s a
way to get ACT! to start printing on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. label.
The basic idea is to use the FORMAT, PAGE command to edit the report
template for the labels of choice. By adjusting the top of the page
margin, you can make your printer start printing at the next fresh
label. You can calculate this spot by knowing the height of an
individual label and the fact that 6 lines of 10 pt type (ACT!’s
default) occupy one inch. If you create and save (with different
names, of course) several modified versions of the basic label
report, you’ll always be able to put those partially used label
sheets to good use.
of the ACT! User Group will be held on February 13. We
discuss several helpful ACT! reference books currently on the market
which make life with ACT! just a bit easier. User Group meetings are
free and open to all C.C.S. members. They are held on the second
Tuesday of each month 8 times a year at the Midway Motor Lodge in Elk
Grove Village. Call E Tech Systems at (847) 352-4770 for
© Copyright 1996 by Alan M. Lee, all rights reserved. Other
nonprofit computer user's groups may reprint this material providing
credit is given the author and C.C.S. Future rights for publication
reserved by Alan M. Lee. ACT! is a registered trademark of Symantec