Access your ACT! data in
the Cloud
in an emergency
Recovery Planning with
off-site backups and emergency remote
Be ready when disaster strikes!
If your building burnt down today, do you need
to be up and running the next day? Server Crash, Lighting, Fire, employee error or
sabotage.. Disasters come in many ways.
If customer data is also involved, your business may suffer other unforeseen costs related to legal
ramifications of losing sensitive customer data.
Disaster Recovery (DR) for businesses using ACT
is finally affordable with Apollo DR Service: Access your ACT! data in Cloud in disaster
If you need to ALWAYS have access to your ACT
data, you need to have your data off-site AND you need the ACT data accessible in the cloud. Now for the first
time you can. The good news is that you don’t have to have for accessing the ACT data unless you need it an
emergency! It is a "just in case you need it" service !
APOLLO DR Service includes automated Off Site backups that run every hour and a business continuity
capability of live web access to your ACT! data for all your users as long as you need it. However, you pay for the
web access only if you use it. It also includes the e Tech Diamond Support Plan at no additional
Key Benefits
ACT Data, templates, attachments,
calendar are backed up off-site each hour into a live copy of your database stored in the
Your entire ACT! database is ready to go
IF you ever need it.
The off-site backup can be used to
RESTORE your database to your office
The off-site copy can also be activated
for full remote use via the web from anywhere by all your users.
You get the capability to have full
remote access for all your users but only pay to use it if it is ever needed.
Service Offered
Apollo DR Service is only $50 per month per database. This includes backing up the ACT data off-site hourly
and to set up the system so all the users have emergency web access if needed.
Optional services: Restore your data from the cloud to your local server: $250
Activate full remote web access for all users: $45 per month per user, 1 month minimum and no maximum.
For more information Contact Us; put "disaster info" in the comments