Save the date for the Chicago Area SAGE ACT! 2013 Road Show
in Schaumburg IL on September 12th, 2012; 10AM to Noon

Join us for this free high-energy, interactive event in Schaumburg
where we’ll unveil the newest and hottest ACT! 2013 features designed to help you accomplish more –
- Training by Alan Lee, ACT! Certified Consultant
- Live Demos
- Door Prizes, including $2,600 in ACT! Software Licenses
The event is free, but you need to register below
Register here
Event is 9/12/12 at 10AM

Have Customer Details at Your Fingertips
Sage ACT! Premium Mobile gives you real-time, mobile access to your Sage ACT! Premium
contact, calendar, and opportunity details from iPhone®, iPad®, or Android™. Best part, Sage ACT! Premium Mobile is included with your
upgrade to Sage ACT! Premium! Sage ACT! Pro users have the option to subscribe to Sage ACT!
Connect2 for mobile access.
Social Media
Gain Added Insight Into Your Customers
Social Updates help you know what your customers care about most. See a
collection of your customer’s last 25 posts made on their LinkedIn® and Facebook® pages—all viewable from their contact record inside Sage ACT!.
Dig deeper for more information by clicking on a post to display the full social media profile or Twitter
Connect to Customers in More Ways than Ever
Sage E-marketing for ACT! Social Sharing makes it easy to vastly expand your audience
beyond the email addresses you keep in Sage ACT!. Push your email marketing campaigns to your LinkedIn
and Facebook, and Twitter pages. Even include social sharing icons in your email footer so
recipients can easily push to their social networks as well.
Important Note: Review Sage ACT! system requirements at
www.ACT.com/SystReq. You must purchase one license of Sage ACT! per user. Scalability varies based on
hardware, size, and usage of your database. Visit www.ACTsolutions.com or contact your add-on product
provider to determine compatibility for your add-on products. The mobile component of Sage ACT! Connect
requires an active data plan. You are responsible for all data related charges to your mobile phone. To
facilitate mobile setup, Sage ACT! Connect sends a text message to your mobile phone. Based on your wireless
plan, you may receive an extra charge from your carrier for this text message. Sage E-marketing for ACT!
requires additional subscription and is powered by Swiftpage™.
Event is co-sponsered by SAGE, e Tech Systems, and the
Chicago Computer Society