Chicago ACT! User Group 2011 Meeting Schedule
Exchange ideas, learn shortcuts, and keep abreast of the latest developments. Both novice and
experienced ACT! users are welcome. Meetings start with a lecture/demonstration and conclude with an
open question and answer session. Meetings in Schaumburg run from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Meetings are FREE and open
to the public. No reservations are required.
Door prizes at each meeting!

ACT! User Group 2011 Meeting Schedule
Date / Time/ Location |
Topic |
Description |
March 3,
7 PM - 9
Schaumburg Public
[Rasmussen North]
Mini Lesson- Reporting and Analysis |
Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis lets you target specific groups of contacts for action or
analysis. ACT! 10 introduced dashboards. ACT! 7 introduced dynamic groups
that use Queries. Learn how to create and run a custom ACT report;
and do database analysis during this free mini training
Learn how to use and customize Dynamic Groups, Dashboards, and
ACT! Reports.
May 19,
7 PM - 9
Schaumburg Public
Connecting ACT! to the Phone System |
Dial the phone please... ACT! Telephony Integration
Auto dialing has been a favorite feature of many ACT users for over 20 years. See
your current options and learn the limitations. See a live demo of
CallOnCRM, the top rated full VOIP integration with ACT!. It dials, logs your calls
in and out automatically, as well as gives you a call log tab in ACT
automatically. It will lookup the person calling you based on ANY phone number in the
contact record. See how you can use SKYPE with ACT! as well as send text
Sept 7,
7 PM - 9
Schaumburg Public
Rasmussen North
Introducing ACT! 2012 |
Review ACT! 2012; the newest Version and see live a
Learn the top 10 new features in ACT! 2012 (ACT version 14)
ACT! 2012
also has usability improvements to features you use most often and options to
interact with applications you already rely on, like Gmail. Some of the new or
improved features include:
Google synchronization: email, contacts and
Virtual Notepad
Universal Search Feature
Sage Connect*: Allowing for remote contact and calendar
Support for IE9 and Firefox 4
December 15,
7 PM - 9
Schaumburg Public
Importing Data into
Ever get a trade show list and need to import it? Learn the ins
and outs of importing external data into
Learn when to use the built in import options in
ACT and when use an add-on import utility. OAK!Merge data import tool will be
demoed and discussed.
Send out Opportunities as a CSV and have others
update them. Import accounting data automatically ever night.
more info on OAK!Merge is
Learn how to add a middle pane to the ACT! screen
above the tabs. Any tab can be displayed in the middle tab. All
attendees will recieve a free add-on to allow a middle
To see how it looks click here,

Discussions are moderated by Alan Lee, Certified ACT! Consultant and Sales
Automation Expert
Meetings are held at the Schaumburg Township Library, located at 130 S. Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193
MAP to Schaumburg Township Library
The Chicago ACT! User Group is a Special Interest Group of the Chicago Computer Society
and jointly sponsored with E Tech Systems and Sage. Call the ACT! User Group Coordinator, Alan Lee, at
(847) 352-4770 for questions on the group or email
us with address changes.
Register For FREE E-Mails with Notices and Updates on the ACT! User Group
Main ACT User Group Welcome page
Previous Meeting Topics